
Brown University 2010

Film, Theater, Culture and Politics of Poland


  • Krystyna Illakowicz, Professor of Yale University.

Krystyna Illakowicz is a senior lecturer in the Slavic Languages and Literature department at Yale University. She received her M.A. and ABD from Warsaw University, and her Ph.D in 1998 from New York University in Comparative Literature, with specialization in Polish Language and Literature. Krystyna’s research interests include Polish language and culture in the global context, theatre and language acquisition, theatre, film, Polish and European modernity, Polish women and history.

  • Mark Milewski

Mark Milewski serves as Brown's Krakow on-site coordinator, supporting student affairs, residential life and student orientation to Krakow. Mark teaches social studies in Connecticut during the academic year. He holds a B.A. in political science from Syracuse University, an M.A. in history from the University of Connecticut, an M.B.A. from Bentley College, and earned his teaching certification at Yale University. Born to Polish parents, Mark is a heritage language speaker; he grew up speaking Polish at home. His first Master's degree focused on Cold War Era efforts of Polish-Americans. He has studied at Jagiellonian University in Krakow and has traveled extensively throughout Poland and Europe. In addition to teaching, coaching, and advising at the high school level, Mark has been an adult leader and Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America for over 20 years. At Bentley College, he was Resident Advisor to dorm students. An avid backpacker and mountaineer, he has hiked the entire 2,178 mile Appalachian Trail and has summited Russia's 18,510 ft. Mt. Elbrus, Tanzania's 19,340 ft. Mt. Kilimanjaro, and Alaska's 20,320 ft. Mt. McKinley.